Mind Games J'Adoube

Mind Games J'Adoube

J’adoube begins with a whisper of warning. An intriguing sensation engulfs us in an opening of pomegranate, rouge groseille, and mandarin, as the fragrance surges forward in a wave of tantalizing sweetness. Its evolution towards a bold and deep base of leather, patchouli, and ambrostar, brings focus to chaos while remaining wholly spontaneous and free.

Top: Rouge Groseille DI, Mandarin Oil Madagascar
Middle: Bright Red Pomegranate, Damascene Rose
Drydown: Ambrostar, Benzoin Vintage Leather, Patchouli Oil, Sulawesi

Woody Floral Fruity

INGREDIENTS: Rouge Groseille DI,Mandarin,Pomegranate,Rose,Ambrostar,Benzoin,Leather,Patchouli,Sulawesi

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100 ml (3.4 oz)$375.00
spray sample (2.0 ml)$10.00
Sample (1.0 ml)$5.00

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